whew, it really is soooo hot here in manila...mercury rising (gulp!)
i know i'm living in a tropical country plus it's summer but this is something else, not funny anymore..imagine:
- having to wipe off sweat right after you've toweled yourself dry from the shower
- feeling a single sweat dripping on your back only to realize that it's not a single sweat after all and your sweat has formed diff shapes and sizes on your shirt
- feeling tired and lethargic all day long
..if i lived on the beachfront or if we had a pool it might be more bearable..otherwise, it's just humid and sticky all day and unfortunately, even at night.
what to do what to do..i guess this is nature's way of telling us that we are really going overboard in environmental abuses; thus, greenhouse gases and global warming.
i pity the daily commuters and PUV drivers who have to go through all these plus smoke emmissions too! ditto for those living in slum areas who don't have proper insulation, nay electric fans! think of their galvanized iron roofs absorbing all that heat and the danger that can ensue...
as for me, i guess i'm lucky that i stay in an air-conditioned office most of the time and that there is proper insulation, ventilation and air conditioning at home..although it really doesn't solve the problem here are just some of the things that are must-do's to prevent yourself from getting scorched:
1. Take a bath daily or even twice or thrice a day if you can.
2. Stay light on make-up, lotions. It just adds to that heavy, sticky feeling.
3. Drink lots of water, really! Don't disregard possible dehydration because of the heat...Make sure you have a safe and clean drinking water by your side at all times even at night.
4. Avoid going out when the sun is at its brightest (?). If possible, use an umbrella or hat, and apply sunblock to your face and body.
5. Wear light clothes.
6. People that are high-risk for strokes, beware!
7. Know the first aid treatment for dehydration, heat stroke, rashes, etc.
8. Lastly (because I can't think of any..hehe) - Always stay cool!

i know i'm living in a tropical country plus it's summer but this is something else, not funny anymore..imagine:
- having to wipe off sweat right after you've toweled yourself dry from the shower
- feeling a single sweat dripping on your back only to realize that it's not a single sweat after all and your sweat has formed diff shapes and sizes on your shirt
- feeling tired and lethargic all day long
..if i lived on the beachfront or if we had a pool it might be more bearable..otherwise, it's just humid and sticky all day and unfortunately, even at night.
what to do what to do..i guess this is nature's way of telling us that we are really going overboard in environmental abuses; thus, greenhouse gases and global warming.
i pity the daily commuters and PUV drivers who have to go through all these plus smoke emmissions too! ditto for those living in slum areas who don't have proper insulation, nay electric fans! think of their galvanized iron roofs absorbing all that heat and the danger that can ensue...
as for me, i guess i'm lucky that i stay in an air-conditioned office most of the time and that there is proper insulation, ventilation and air conditioning at home..although it really doesn't solve the problem here are just some of the things that are must-do's to prevent yourself from getting scorched:
1. Take a bath daily or even twice or thrice a day if you can.
2. Stay light on make-up, lotions. It just adds to that heavy, sticky feeling.
3. Drink lots of water, really! Don't disregard possible dehydration because of the heat...Make sure you have a safe and clean drinking water by your side at all times even at night.
4. Avoid going out when the sun is at its brightest (?). If possible, use an umbrella or hat, and apply sunblock to your face and body.
5. Wear light clothes.
6. People that are high-risk for strokes, beware!
7. Know the first aid treatment for dehydration, heat stroke, rashes, etc.
8. Lastly (because I can't think of any..hehe) - Always stay cool!