Don't get me wrong though, there are probably 5 events in a year when I actually turn my room upside down and won't stop till it's spic and span:
1. New Year of course
2. Chinese New Year - a great second chance when I didn't make use of No. 1
3. A rather disturbing night when something just prods me to get the vacuum and zap away and really this happens at night
4. When I buy something new - which just has to have a really neat place to be put in
5. And on some occasions when my Mom REALLY nags me enough - otherwise I just put up a "fight" trying to protect the status quo
Mom tells me that a person's room is a reflection of how the room owner thinks. That could probably be true since (and I'm not claiming to be a very deep thinker here by the way) I find myself always lost in my many thoughts (think this: look at picture below).

Besides, I think I'm somewhat of a sentimental person and it's hard for me to just throw things away - yes, even my high school test papers are still filed in my room. Despite the "mess" she claims it is, everything is accounted for and I sure know which crevice to find it.
I think I'm really good at frustrating her in this regard because to her "girls' rooms should be clean all the time". And boy does she get a high everytime my brother's room is immaculately clean (won't compare it to mine though). Note to mom: sorry mom i'm wired this way..i'm trying though and one day you'll just be surprised! : )
I'll admit that it is such an effort on my part whenever I clean my room. An effort to start and an even larger effort to see it through. Aside from getting tired, I think it also frustrates me to know that at the end of a cleaning session, there would still be stuff lying around .. well not because I forgot about them but because there's no place to store them in yet!
My mom would really laugh if she reads this but believe it or not I have a grand plan for my room..my furniture/things have to be special or I won't have any (I'll leave my things first in the floor instead of buying substandard furniture lacking in taste and beauty). Things I'm saving up for would be the ff:
1. A decent bookcase/shelf that would really protect my books, preferably with a smoked glass top where I can place my milk at night.
2. Curtains - I've been searching and searching but to no avail. Sigh....but not to worry as I have the design in mind..guess I just have to customize it to my own liking
3. Pillowcases and beddings old world - in pure white, eyelet/lace trimmings complete with my monogram in red
4. More shelves for my closet
5. Feng Shui paintings for my walls
6. A table against the wall along the path to my comfort room..sorry it's not the best description but rest assured i know how it would look like and what it's for
7. lot's more!
Who wouldn't want a clean room? It's just that if my room is to be cleaned and tidied up, it has to be done by me and nobody else because it's my room in the first place and I think I can do a better job than anyone at it. And on the day I succeed (think April - May of this year), I'll be the one having the last laugh while they envy my sanctuary...
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