Sunday, March 9, 2008

huraaay for imovie! congratulations to the cfad team but archi is still the best (for me)..hehe..

i'm so lovin' my macbook now!! and i wish i had one ages ago!! imagine, i used to pay a few thousand pesos for movies of the same length for a school project...sheeesh...people could make a fortune with imovie alone...or even just have that sense of fulfillment with making something nice out of it..

yes folks, today is the day that i have made my contribution to the digital world with my first ever mini movie and i'm so excited about it!

SUBJECT: UST Archi - CFAD Men's Football Championship Game

of course I was rooting for Archi (my bf's team) to win especially since the scores were 3-0 already when i arrived. but i guess their best wasn't good enough as the CFAD team was able to turn the tide to bring a 5-4 win! archi placed first runner-up for the championship game, which isn't as bad, i guess...

i'm really excited about this that it's already in youtube, multiply, and now is both happy and embarassed with this - happy because of his personal papparazzo...embarassed because well, he's the star of this clip and people might think he's a show-off..well, i wouldn't be his girlfriend for nothing..more than being proud of this video, i'm foremostly proud of him (contributing 2 goals out of 4! good job, eh?)

here's the alternative link to my movie:

enjoy!! : )

1 comment:

TBB said...

great job madz! =) for the iMovie and being the #1 fan (love your own) just like me...*hehehe*

miss you girl!=)

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