Monday, August 18, 2008

A Lucky Dog and A Really Bad Joker!

Beyonce our shih-tzu was turning 2 years old and well because I was pretty amused with Apple Mail's stationery, I sent out invites for her party to friends and relatives here and abroad. And since it was also my cousin's birthday, we decided that it will be a double celebration and a mini-family reunion all in all. Just so you know I even missed my stat class for this!!

The Apple Mail Stationery invite that started it all!

Ate Diana (the "other" birthday girl!) with Derich, her son = )

I started a joke, which started the whole world crying,
but I didn't see that the joke was on me, oh no.

Yep, that was exactly how I felt when after I sent out an invitation for our dog's birthday, some people took it seriously and well, we had to go a-planning!

We had kare-kare (with bagoong of course), spaghetti, bbq, cake, donut, chicken, asado, chocolate fondue (belgian chocolate yummy and the fruits) while the dogs had their share of doggie treats: Pedigree and Cesar (Beyonce's fave)

Ang aming Handa - also with Ate Diana's creations

Doggie Treats for Beyonce and her dog guests

Everyone had fun eating, singing, beer drinking and in the end, it was really worth it! Even the staff at Goldilocks got a kick knowing they were preparing a birthday cake for a dog!

My mom and I with the birthday girl (dog) and her huge cake!

Just remind me not to joke again like this when Gabby's birthday comes around! Hehe.. = )

Mommy carrying Beyonce, I'm with Gabby our 3-month little rascal!

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