Wednesday, July 16, 2008

it pays to ask

omigosh i have literally spent an entire day worrying (again) whether i was doing the right thing or not. you see i have to report on developing marketing strategies tomorrow for my masters (marketing management) class.

i pretty much got everything in the bag except for one sub-topic: types of strategies for primary and selective demand. i kept searching and searching my memory if i have encountered this topic during my college days...hmmm..NOPE! i asked around to check if my friends have tackled this too well it turns out that this is a phantom subject! kidding! hehe..imagine it's written clearly in the syllabus but i can't find it anywhere - not in our book, not in the other books (i borrowed 4 from the library), not in the internet!!

the only thing that stuck to my mind were porter's basic strategies and for a good 4 hours i had decided to bet on that path. yet and still a feeling that something's wrong kept i thought that something definitely was wrong.

i was getting frustrated that i can't find the answers in these books little did i realize that maybe i was searching for the wrong things or maybe i was searching the wrong way..guess what, i was doing both!

i researched again on the topic and found a new set of answers..somewhat related to the first but they're still world's apart ---> product life cycle strategies. now it felt wrong-er..which should i choose?

this just made me realize that even in the advent of the internet or of subject indexes at the end of each book, you still have to use that thing between your ears to process the information available to you and make something intelligent out of it. life should not be mechanical or automatic at least in this sense. just because we're having things easy, we should not let go of our human functions of curiosity, analytical thinking and resourcefulness.

just because the topic is written that way doesn't mean that it would also appear that way in the book and in the internet.

of course, if you really can't find the answer within...what are teachers for? so to stop this nagging feeling (you know of doubt, of worry, helplessness) i called up my prof to verify if it was indeed the PLC! got it!!

felt more like a challenger on survivor or other reality tv're only given the problem, the riddle and the's up to you to solve it = )


Update!! Update!! ---download my presentation below--

The report went okay! Or more than okay I should say = ) I'm glad and proud I was able to do it by myself successfully (while some groups were in 2's or 3's..i did this by myself because my groupmate quit masters this early!!)

For those who would need a reference material, here's the copy of my Keynote presentation (in pdf version). Please click on the link to go to the download page:

>>Developing Marketing Strategies

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